
"Hello World!"

I'm Krishana


Machine Learning enthusiast


About Me

Hey, I'am Krishana Kumar,Frontend Web-Developer from Delhi, India.
I'm an ambitious developer,passionate about new technology and its capabilites.

I design, build, operate & sometimes make full-stack applications.

Have a project you'd like to discuss ?
Let's Chat

Web Devopement
Well versed with HTML CSS and JS

Completed the Web-Development course offered by Udemy.

Algorithm & Data Structures
Versed with the Algorithms & Data Structures

I'm thorough with the concepts of C and C++. Successfully completed the course offered by Coding Blocks.

React JS
Started Learing JS

Currently understanding and working on the concepts of React Js.

Familiar with Backend
knows basic concept of Node, Express and MongoDB


BTech in CSE - BVCOE, GGSIP University
2018 - Till Present

Semester 1 - 8.00
Semester 2 - 8.30
Semester 3 - 8.26
Semester 4 - 8.80

Higher Secondary School - C.R.P.F Public School,Rohini
2015 - 2017

I have studied PCM with Computer science as a part of my Higher Secondary School Education.

Secondary School - C.R.P.F Public School,Rohini

I have managed to score 8.8 CGPA in my secondary school education.


Todo Web App
Github Repo Link

A ToDo list web application in which new tasks can be added and the finished tasks can be removed. Built with HTML,CSS,JS&Font-awesome.

Blog Post Site
Site Link

It is a Blog post site using MEN Stack. It has login /logout authentication. only logged in user can post new blogs and comments.and only the user who created the post can edit or delete his/her posts or comments i.e. authorization.

Tourism Website
Github Repo Link

It is a Tourism website (just the Frontend). And till now, I have build the Landing page only. work is currently in progress and will be completing soon.

Coding Skills

Nodejs mongoDB Machine Learning

Reach out to me!